Primespeakers - Agencja Mówców | Michał Zalewski
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    Michał Zalewski

    Expert in communication and information management

    Michał Zalewski is an experienced communication and information management expert, owner of the brand Dobrze Powiedziane, consultant, and enthusiast of the Swedish lifestyle. He has held the position of Head of Content & Public Relations at RMF Classic+, serves as the spokesperson and PR manager for the Mastercard OFF CAMERA International Festival of Independent Cinema, and is a PR consultant for the PARENS Fertility Center.

    Years of experience: Michał has been a spokesperson and member of the management team at KBF, one of the largest institutions in Poland combining culture with business. Initially responsible for creation and branding, he later took charge of public relations, crisis communication, and risk management. Michał managed over 70 brands in areas such as the meetings industry, literature, film, music, and tourism. Previously, he led the Promotion Office at KIJÓW.CENTRUM cinema in Kraków and promoted alternative content events in the Małopolska Digital Cinema Network. As a lecturer, he teaches students and seasoned professionals at several universities in undergraduate, postgraduate, and professional development courses.

    Notable collaborations: Michał has collaborated with renowned brands such as PEKAO S.A., McDonald’s, TAURON Polska Energia, Maspex, Intersnack, Polish Tourist Organization,, Open Eyes Economy Summit, Jagiellonian University, City of Kraków, Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland, Royal Castle in Warsaw, Capgemini, and many others.

    Sample speaking topics:

    • Building Confidence: Why Public Speaking Builds Self-Assurance
    • Getting Used to (Almost) Everything – Including Public Speaking
    • How to Speak to Inspire and Persuade
    • Personal Culture or High Communication Standards: 10 Golden Rules of Organizational Communication
    • Preparing for a Crisis: Lessons Learned from Crisis Situations
    • The Renaissance Person: The Role of a Public and Media Relations Manager in the 21st Century
    • Alternative Methods of Personal Branding: Why Lawyers, Biotechnologists, and Bureaucrats Also Have Something to Say
    • How to Manage Your Career Consciously: From Biotechnologist to Film Festival Communication Director

    Why this expert:

    Michał Zalewski is a recognized specialist who combines his extensive experience in communication management with practical knowledge and passion. His skills in creation, branding, and crisis communication make him an invaluable advisor for companies and organizations. Michał excels at building narratives during events, making his presentations not only informative but also inspiring.

    Workshops and training:

    • Event Management: Training and Power Speech, Conferences, Galas, Anniversaries, Industry Meetings
    • Public Speaking: Getting Used to Public Speaking
    • Synthesis: Perfect Pitch – Maximum Content in Minimal Time
    • Media: Media Relations for PR Managers
    • Image: Alternative Methods of Personal Branding
    • Crisis: Preparing for a Crisis – Crisis Manuals and Crisis Communication Management
    • Live Feedback: Workshops Using the Live Feedback Method for Presentations, Camera Work, or Online Speeches
    • Tutoring: Confidence Tutoring
    • Consultations: Individual Consultations in My Areas of Expertise