Primespeakers - Agencja Mówców | Marek Wzorek
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    Marek Wzorek

    Założyciel i CEO PerfectCircle, executive i teal coach

    Marek Wzorek develops companies, people, and teams, often by removing obstacles and facilitating the natural process of growth. His vision is to create a better, more fulfilled, and happier society based on trust, respect, creativity, and engagement.

    After 20 years of developing sales, sales teams, and companies in Poland, Central and Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia, in 2017, inspired by Frederic Laloux’s book “Reinventing Organizations,” he realized that what he had been doing for the last 10 years with his team at igus as Managing Director and CEO was what others call a “teal organization.”

    Working as a technical advisor, CEO, coach, trainer, consultant, and facilitator, Marek experienced both rigid, traditionally managed companies and flexible, client-centric organizations using the “solar system” organizational model. He continues to develop this proven model internationally through ecoCoach, supporting companies in creating teal organizations, enhancing creativity, and fostering a culture of servant leadership.

    Based on his own experience and work with clients, Marek says, “One engaged employee can replace forty poorly engaged ones,” “The most durable innovation in a company is innovation in organizational culture,” and “The best leader is the one who creates other leaders.”

    Marek Wzorek supports people, companies, and societies in building a better, fuller, happier, and more creative world, free from stress, hatred, and fears.

    Examples of speech topics:

    • Organizational culture
    • Leadership and management
    • Business coaching and coaching management style
    • NLP – neuro-linguistic programming: from basics to advanced methods for changing habits and beliefs at the linguistic and neural levels
    • Mentoring and implementing emntoring programs in organizations
    • Teal prganizations: self-management, including the practice of dynamic self-management, holacracy, and gamification using the platform
    • OKR – objective Keyresults: omplementing goal-setting methods for boards, teams, and entire organizations

    Marek Wzorek is an expert in organizational transformation and the development of servant leadership culture. His unique management approach, based on extensive international experience and the practice of creating teal organizations, makes him an indispensable speaker and trainer. Marek inspires and motivates action, demonstrating how to build engaging work environments and effectively manage teams in a dynamically changing world.