Karolina Opolska, a journalist with two decades of experience, currently shines as the face of public affairs programs on TVP Info and also creates content on the Sekielski YouTube channel. Her media career has additionally flourished through collaborations with Onet.pl, Newsweek, Forbes Women Polska, and Radio TOK FM. Karolina serves as the Deputy Head of the Department of Journalism and New Media at Collegium Civitas and coordinates the Concilium Civitas project, connecting Polish scholars with the most prestigious universities worldwide. Outside of her professional life, she is passionate about conspiracy theories, which inspired her to create the “Teoria Spisku” (Conspiracy Theory) program on YouTube.
Suggested topics for presentations:
- Politics: analysis of politics’ impact on everyday life, uncovering backstage stories and unexpected connections.
- Conspiracy theories: a fascinating review of conspiracy theories, exploring their origins, popularity, and rare instances when they turn out to be true.
- Breaking stereotypes and combating hate: Karolina’s personal experiences as a woman in the media, strategies for handling hate, and maintaining professionalism.
- Building a personal brand in social media: key strategies for developing a personal brand in the media, essential for success in today’s digital world.
- Behind the scenes of media work: an intimate look at the life of a journalist, from the toughest challenges to the greatest achievements that never make it to the screen.
Karolina Opolska is not just an experienced journalist and columnist but also an inspiring speaker who, through her work, challenges stereotypes and opens eyes to the diversity of the media world. Her speeches offer a unique combination of expert knowledge, personal anecdotes, and practical advice that can enrich any event.