Primespeakers - Agencja Mówców | Jan Niziński
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    Jan Niziński

    Changemaker, creator of the "Better Not to See" workshops and the parenting platform

    Jan Niziński is an innovator in the field of education and intergenerational communication who has dedicated his career to helping parents understand their teenage children. As the originator and project manager of the “Better Not to Know” workshops for parents and the founder of the “parenteen” platform, Jan focuses on building communication bridges between generations. His approach is based on mutual dialogue, understanding and partnership, rejecting traditional authoritarian methods.

    Examples of speech topics:

    • Building intergenerational dialogue – how modern communication techniques can transform relationships between parents and teenagers.
    • From understanding to cooperation – methods for effectively engaging in the world of teenagers.
    • Modern parenting without barriers – going beyond traditional approaches in upbringing for a better understanding of the young generation.

    Jan Niziński uses his extensive experience and knowledge to inspire and educate parents about modern methods of communication with teenagers. His interactive workshops and engaging presentations provide practical tools for building healthy, mutually respectful family relationships. As an Ashoka recognized changemaker, Jan has unique skills in introducing lasting social change, which makes him a valued speaker at conferences and seminars.