Primespeakers - Agencja Mówców | Angelika Chrapkiewicz-Gądek
Język wystąpienia
język wystąpienia język wystąpienia

    Angelika Chrapkiewicz-Gądek

    nurek, podróżnik, mówca motywacyjny

    From the age of three, Angelika Chrapkiewicz-Gądek has been battling progressive muscular atrophy and moves using a wheelchair. Her indomitable spirit and joy of life allow her to transform daily challenges into inspiration for others. She actively travels, runs her own company, organizes motivational trainings, and speaks at international conferences.

    Examples of speech topics:

    • Inner strength: The key to overcoming limitations
    • My journeys: From Kilimanjaro to Rysy in a wheelchair
    • Transforming passions into possibilities: diving and traveling
    • How perseverance and positive attitude help achieve dreams

    Angelika Chrapkiewicz-Gądek is a unique individual whose life experiences and achievements highlight her uniqueness as a motivational speaker. Her ability to transcend physical and mental boundaries inspires action and shifts perspectives on personal limitations.