Primespeakers - Agencja Mówców | Piotr Barański
Język wystąpienia
język wystąpienia

    Piotr Barański

    Trener, coach, improwizator sceniczny

    Piotr Barański, known for his passion for stage improvisation, is a qualified trainer and coach who effectively combines the world of theater with business. He has over a decade of stage experience, gained in prestigious schools in Chicago and Warsaw. He is also an experienced copywriter, collaborating with top advertising agencies since 2000. He graduated in English Philology from the University of Warsaw and has been actively supporting the personal and professional development of many individuals for years.

    Examples of speech topics:

    • Confidence in public speaking
    • Funfulness – creative mindfulness for self and others
    • Innovative impro-solutions
    • Flexibility in unusual situations
    • Collaboration in a cohesive Team
    • From Creative Joy to Mental Resilience

    Piotr Barański uniquely combines stage improvisation with coaching, allowing participants of his workshops to approach personal and professional development in a spontaneous and creative manner. His methods foster better communication and collaboration within teams, develop flexibility in thinking and acting, which is crucial in a dynamically changing world.