Primespeakers - Agencja Mówców | Katarzyna Moskal
Język wystąpienia
język wystąpienia

    Katarzyna Moskal

    Ekspertka od,emisji głosu, logopedka

    Katarzyna Moskal is a recognized expert in speech therapy, media speech therapy, and voice emission teaching, and the founder of the Voice Academy. Her holistic approach combines skills and knowledge to shape personal and professional images. Katarzyna specializes in managing voice emission, offering professional training that includes breathing techniques, diction, and voice modulation. She focuses on helping clients discover and refine their voices, reducing stage fright and stress. She also conducts voice rehabilitation and comprehensive workshops for various professions, emphasizing the role of voice in shaping public and professional image. A graduate of Postgraduate Studies in Voice Emission at the Faculty of Arts, UMCS in Lublin, and Media Speech Therapy at the University of Gdańsk.

    Examples of speech topics:

    • Mastering voice control for effective communication
    • Breath techniques and diction for professional voice emission
    • Stress and stage fright reduction for public speaking
    • Integrating voice and body language for effective communication
    • Voice emission in the workplace: how to speak healthily and effectively

    Katarzyna Moskal is an experienced speech therapist and voice coach who deeply understands both the theoretical and practical aspects of voice work. Her holistic approach addresses the physical and emotional aspects of speaking. Katarzyna integrates her extensive knowledge with practical experience, helping participants reach their full vocal potential, enhancing their confidence and communication effectiveness. Her ability to tailor teaching methods to individual needs makes her a valued expert in voice and speech coaching.